Mondjugen - A Werewolf's Tale

Independent Seth has been straying from his pack and keeping a secret, and needs to be brought to heel. But after his attitude adjustment, Seth's Alpha has some bad news. The mondjugen are in danger.
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The pack in the blind is in a bind. The mondjugen are called home. Alpha Haig rants and raves. Alpha Pete attacks. Spells are cast. Sacrifices are made. And to the victor goes the orgy.
A trap is set by a witch and her wolves. Zach misses his muster. Yousef beds down with Bill. Carlos and Hakim, sitting in a tree, c-o-n-jur-i-n-g. Seth and Alpha Pete come to terms before the battle. The pack readies for the final showdown as Luna’s light approaches.
Seth invites Alpha Haig over to play. Mullins realizes his mondjugen gets around. Bill comforts a sad Xochitl and then realizes the enemies’ secret weapon. Captured Carlos finds his mate and fucks his brains out. Like serious life-affirming-crazy-stupid fucks his brains out. Praise Luna!
A very busy day at Mountain Peaks Gym. Carlos patrols the perimeter. Yousef and Mullins compare notes. Bill mans the front desk. Alpha Pete and Seth cannot cooperate nor separate. Zach arrives for a very personal training session. A trap is set, and the scentless poacher is revealed.
Seth endures chatter on the pack’s group text chain. Yousef says his prayers. Larry flushes out a tasty feast. Alpha Pete reasserts his leadership in the only way wolves know how. Chief Mullins stands guard. A new intrusion on the Packs’ land is discovered as the storm clouds gather.
Alpha Pete loses his temper and harvests a mortal. Bill and Alpha Schreider pass the time. Larry and Tom take a phone call. Yousef struggles with his faith and opens the gym to two new trainees. And Carlos lays down the law for the Chief of Police. Rutting often ensures.
Alpha Pete and Bill head outside the pack’s territory and pay the necessary toll to join the Alpha Council. Seth has a heart-to-heart. Carlos and Yousef go hunting, with resulting full bellies and asses. Tom and Larry join in on the fun. The Chief gets resentful for being left behind and develops secrets of his own.
Yousef runs to Larry and Tom’s bed. Carlos makes breakfast for a visitor. Seth and the Chief are stuck in a meeting. And Alpha makes his move.
Who doesn't love a diner? The pups are growing boys, requiring the pack's attention, again and again. Alpha Pete explains the list of mondjugen in the hands of a disgruntled Alpha. Sweatshirts get shredded as muscles emerge, and Mullins marks his territory.
Muscle daddies Larry and Tom join the fun. Pack united at last, the beasts shepherd mondjugen Yousef and Mullins into wolfhood, with Luna's blessing. Yus and the Chief receive the triple baptism and learn to follow their nose. But just what is the threat to the mondjugen?