Story Challenge


Your challenge, should you choose to accept it: **write a story inspired by the phrase THE WRONG ROOMMATE!**  
Roommate plans gone awry. Spells and potions meant for one roommates affecting the *other* one instead. Coming home to the wrong dorm at night... or, is it now the right dorm, after all? Roommates who aren't what you expected them to be. Roommates who 'came back wrong'. Roommates who make you think, wait, maybe *you* were the wrong roommate all along... A chemist major creates a potion to turn his secret crush into an irresistible gay stud—except it's his obnoxious suitemate who drinks the potion instead. An artist's roommate returns from a remote part of the world, but he's 'come back wrong'... did he always shun sunlight, and did his eyes always glow so hypnotically? A bachelor wizard is driven to his wit's end by his mansplaining roommate who is always 'wrong' about *everything*... so he casts a spell to make him always right, and inadvertently gives him the power to reshape the world. A trio of friends set up a Chronivac so that only they, as roommates, can use it... without realizing they're sharing the dorm with a horny gay ghost, and *he's* now using the Chronivac too...

**The possibilities are endless. What's** ***your*** **story about THE WRONG ROOMMATE?**  
We'd love to see your own spin on the prompt! You're also very welcome to take inspiration from any of the ideas above, if they appeal to you.  
This story challenge crosses all our sites, meaning your story can be hosted on Spiral, Cupid, Collar, Kinky... or any combination of options. Good luck, and have fun!
The following requirements are enacted for this challenge in addition to the usual site rules:  - The story must be clearly inspired by the challenge prompt.  - Authors of challenge stories are anonymized by the system, and not shown until the final results are up. This is to make voting more fair—and to keep up the suspense! - Authors can only submit one story to the challenge. - A single story with multiple chapters is okay to submit, so long as you upload the chapters during the time frame of the challenge. **However,** no additional chapters to your challenge story can be submitted after the challenge ends when we are in the two-week voting period. (Please note, additional chapters to your challenge story *can* to be submitted after the challenge is over, if you wish to continue your story later, but those chapters will not affect the calculations of the final challenge results.)  
Challenge stories are ‘ranked’ based on a calculation combining their best 4 category ratings (aka, the badges) with how many unique Favorites they get. Voting for this particular challenge will continue for two weeks after the challenge concludes, at which point the Top 5 will be announced and all authors will be revealed. 
Submission deadline: July 29, 2024 at 11:59:59 PM GMT
Final standings available!

Top 5 Entries

: -
: 4.77
: 4.67
: 4.72
: 4.67
: 4.81
: -
: -
: 87
Nick and Connor are just innocent Theology students and roommates, right? WRONG! Damien is just a random stranger and certainly not a sex demon, right? WRONG! Nick and Connor will survive their encounter with Damien with their morals and identities intact, right? WRONG!
: -
: 4.54
: 4.54
: 4.08
: 4.77
: 4.77
: -
: -
: 107
Ben has to spend a night sharing his roommate's bed and gets curious about what Zach likes to listen to. You know what they say about curiosity....
: -
: 4.61
: 4.77
: 4.45
: 4.63
: 4.72
: -
: -
: 72
Stu is told he will be getting a bunkmate in the frat house. He's so sick of being picked on in this small fraternity. Perhaps the new bunkmate has the key to help Stu get even with his tormentors.

Followup stories listed in random order!

Kevin can't stop obsessing over his roommate's ass and takes a pill to stop the racing thoughts. But when those thoughts disappear, where do they go?
Oliver moves into a new apartment along with the current tenant who turns out to have a few surprises that will really help Oliver come out of his shell in ways he never expected.
Never sleep with your window open.
100 mage refugees, competing for jobs and status, in cramped quarters. Not the best environment for finding ass, eh? Set in the Paladin and the Witch universe, follow Michael as he chases creamer ass. How many wrong roommates make a right? If you like lots of fantasy worldbuilding with your smut, read on…
A young college freshman, new to the city, is searching for a place to live, but he doesn't have much to spend on it. His search leads him to a place that seems too good to be true. Is it?
Based on Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen” with my own spin on it. What happens when you’re suddenly able to see beyond the mortal plane? Usually, ghosts and ghouls would be out to haunt you but not in this case. Thanks to the power of a Reality-Bending mirror shard, Kai is able to meet a kindred spirit… who is literally a spirit!!
Sam thought he was being pranked by his buddies for his 21st birthday. Instead he ends up locked in a room with his roommate's hot dad with no idea what his kidnappers want.
Dakota and Will are two workers who need to live together to pay rent. one day, while he isn't at work, Dakota hears the doorbell ring.
When Amir is forced to share a camping tent with the university Outing Club’s resident asshole Jake, he thinks it's just for one night. Then they wake up transported to strange woods, where all of Amir's camping equipment has new, *magical* abilities... Transformative abilities, even... Too bad Jake figures it out first.
David was alone in a vast space with no idea of where he was, why he was there, what he was doing before or even how he got there. Finally he found another inhabitant to share the space with; unfortunately his new roommate was him.
Benji forgot to laundry and had to borrow one from his roommates. His muscles start to grow and he suddenly find himself staring at other men at the gym, and when another man enters his shower stall he couldn't find himself able to say no. What's happening to him, he's supposed to be straight?
Matthew dealt with bullies his entire life, always mocking him for his smarts. That is why he founded Hypno Help Inc., selling hypnotic glasses to those who promise to use them to get revenge on bullies and opressors. One day, he gets an e-mail about a pair of roommates. What he doesn't know is that this customer will forever change his product, his company and even himself.
Jace is a non-traditional student, just like his two jock roommates. Determined to graduate early, he nevertheless begins losing sleep due to his workload and the stress that's been building since his first semester. But when Dylan offers a solution to his problem during the summer, Jace gets more out of it than he expected.