Recent Comments

7/11/16, 7:39 AM
This masterpiece needs more attention...
7/11/16, 5:35 AM
This is a really great story - very different to anything that normally appears on this site, the world creation is solid so it feels authentic to me, and it's really hot. Love the giant and the wrestler-behemoths, can't wait to see what we get next!
7/11/16, 5:22 AM
Welcome back. It was a bit surprising but I'm glad to see what happened afterwards. Looking forward to seeing the next installment.
7/11/16, 5:03 AM
Oh this is a terrific start. Part two please!
7/11/16, 4:29 AM
The story makes me hard and I'm gay as fuck. Straight guys are sexy to read stories about so long as it doesn't go on and on about the chicks. Just like straight porn is sometimes hotter than gay porn so long as they don't constantly linger too long on the chicks. I just want more sex in it lol, gay, straight, whatever. Your stories are awesome man. Fuck the haters.
7/11/16, 4:19 AM
you are absolutely one of the best writers on here, everything you post gets me so turned on
7/11/16, 4:16 AM
So glad to finally see a new part to one of my favorite series here! Keep it coming, Mick. Curious to see what happens back at the office!
7/11/16, 3:07 AM
Great story!! Gotta read the rest of it!!
7/11/16, 2:10 AM
no, no, no, post the rest immediately... please
7/11/16, 12:03 AM
I have a severe weakness for the Welsh, so I would absolutely have to blow that whistle!