Recent Comments

May 18, 2024
5/18/24, 6:53 AM
As great as ever.
5/18/24, 6:33 AM
it get's hotter and hotter! keep going on
5/17/24, 6:53 PM
Oh wow, I super loved that Joshua used the Adorandus command word to make Devin's sex uninhibited and pleasurable -- and I love public sex, when everyone around is enjoying too. So this was hot and interesting all at the same time! I hope you overcome your writer's block at some point and continue this, as it's very, very good.

5/18/24, 5:30 AM
@[DaymionMC](/user/show/10033419) Thank you so much. You made me reread my own story, which I hardly ever do. It has been so long that it really affected myself and I had a hot wank on my own story. Which is rare :) But yeah, I am motivated to write more. And I want to conclude at least some of my older stories. So keep kicking me in my ass (but I prefer slapping :) )!
5/18/24, 2:38 AM
I love a good theft story.
5/18/24, 2:12 AM
absolutely loved this chapter. fuck.
5/18/24, 1:21 AM
O M fucking G!! 🤩
5/18/24, 1:08 AM
Magnificent, truly! I love consentual/nonconsent. I was introduced to that concept elsewhere and it is employed deliciously here. This was worth the wait, the buildup making the payoff even sweeter. And thank you for the dedication. Insert blushing emoji here ...

5/18/24, 1:19 AM
@[Antnee](/user/show/10043490) Thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart!
5/18/24, 1:19 AM
I love this chapter. The mythology mixed with the hypersexuality of the Coins and Jasper getting some level of balance with the conflict in him of obeying the implanted programming while also being himself pleases Rhys. That's a powerful moment to read. Also, hot sex and Jasper flipping the script to surprise a few Coins and delight all of them. He's so charming. Nova's counterpoint by providing, essentially, Jasper's old perspective is also wonderfully weaved in to add a tension and dynamic that feels three dimensional. Even we aren't sure just how much of this new life is really Jasper anymore. But, I think his feelings for Rhys are real so I am hanging out for a compromise between who he was and his old life and friends and who he is becoming. Also, having the Golden Lattice as an actual game to play is super cool! Another magnificent chapter re-worked into an even tighter well-paced piece of character, horniness, and plot. <3
5/18/24, 12:53 AM
This is so so so so SO FUCKING GOOD!
5/18/24, 12:03 AM
SO GOOD!!!!!!!!

5/18/24, 12:34 AM
@[NeedControlling](/user/show/1223696) Thanks! :3 I really wanted to do Hank some justice in this ending, so I hope that came through! Apologies for the long wait. The alternate-final chapter should be done in a week or so.