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7/24/20, 11:15 PM
Damn fine print. LOL.
7/24/20, 11:13 PM
This whole Story reminds me of "Addicted to S.T.U.D.", which was the first story of yours i ever read. And that reminds me of the original "Total Recall" movie... So basically Strong should have either run away with Prince (who based on this chapter might have actually done it), or at least took Prince with him as backup (though that might have been putting him in too much danger). Fingers crossed for a happy ending, but like S.T.U.D. I'm more expecting an ambiguous or bittersweet one.
7/24/20, 11:06 PM
I felt bad that so many of you didn't like where I left this - so let's keep going? See if we can't make at least some of you happy.
7/24/20, 10:36 PM
@HunkLover: Here's the iPad -so give it another crack!! And good luck.:)
7/24/20, 8:27 PM
>Feels like the calm before the storm. > WARNING! Climax ahead. Please lock seat belts in place and keep your arms in the car at all times
7/24/20, 8:27 PM
Steve, you would need re-read the notecard in Part 1 for your answer to that. It's intriguing how much of an impact twins has had on this series :P
7/24/20, 8:20 PM
not a fan of harry potter fanfic, so believe me when I say that I am pleasently surprised and look forward to this series
7/24/20, 7:57 PM
Literally just 2 episodes away from "the office" finale. This was a fun read. Thanks!
7/24/20, 6:20 PM
I wonder if those smart twins might find a way to hypnotize Jay using Jay's own cock against him, then have full control over Jay and his abilities....
7/24/20, 6:13 PM
I don't want to be *that guy* but, I might actually have an idea, if you lot want me to give it another crack?