Stories by


Author Title Words Published
After a highly unusual set of talks, Vince finds his advisor presenting their work, but to his surprise, he's in the nude on one of the videos! What is truly happening with the professors in this session, and why is Vince unsure of his feelings on the current events? He is a big old bear, proud of his sexuality, isn't he?
Vince is at yet another conference, sitting comfortably because he's already presented his work, and now he's just waiting on his advisor's talk. As they wait for a collaborator to get out of a morning session, he notices that an odd number of people in that session are older, but he can't put a finger on why that's odd. The session that afternoon could change things more than he expects...
Rian and Clint are very close to some groundbreaking discoveries in the lab. But after Rian spills the chemical on himself, the two chemists and other men find themselves caught in a ball of swine.
After transforming the previous day, Alexander sets his gluttonous eyes on his first roommate. Robert is ready for a new world, and he's happy to have some friends that might help him explore himself better. However, he soon finds out they have plans for him. Fortunately for him, he might have found out too late to do anything about it.
Your roommate loved his new grill, and he had done an excellent job with his cooking thusfar. But, one weekend while you were gone, he told you he was trying out burgers, and when you came back, suddenly he was several hundred pounds heavier, and seemingly a couple of decades older. What's going on?
A new graduate student meets his neighbors. He hopes they'll help him grow into a big bear, like the men he'd admired since his teenage years, but he finds them to be much more helpful than he was originally expecting.